


By taking a vocal print of your voice and using computer software, the frequencies, architectures and harmonics of your voice can be analyzed and assessed against vast frequency-based databanks to give insights on the status of your physical and emotional health.

what is the vagus nerve and what does it do?

Thank God for the Vagus nerve! The vagus nerve carries an extensive range of signals from digestive system and organs to the brain and vice versa. It is the tenth cranial nerve, extending from its origin in the brainstem through the neck and the thorax down to the abdomen and has the widest distribution in the body.

Why is that important? Well, it runs right through the vocal cords carrying information about the body. Sharry Edwards, the founder of Human BioAcostics and the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health, has determined the voice is a holographic representation of health & wellness in the body. In fact, this tiny non-profit research institute has mapped out the body in terms of frequencies. By taking a vocal print of your voice and using computer software, the frequencies, architectures and harmonics of your voice can be analyzed and assessed against vast frequency-based databanks to create reports that provide information on the status of your physical and emotional health.

That information can then be used to determine what frequencies might be effective in bringing the body back to optimal form & function.  The frequencies are then delivered via a proprietary Tone Box and set of headphones or subwoofer.

who may benefit?

According to Edwards, “BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in the body that are expressed as disease.” The vocal print can identify toxins, pathogens and nutritional supplements that are too low or too high. In addition, vocal print can be used to match the most compatible treatment remedy to each client. The introduction of the proper low frequency sound to the body, indicated through voice analysis, has been shown to control: pain, body temperature, heart rhythm, and blood pressure. It has also been shown to regenerate body tissue, and alleviate the symptoms of many diseases.

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Robin Barnes has been practicing since Bioacoustic since 2013. Due to its complex nature, a BioAcoustic analysis is best done in-person. Please Contact Robin for prices, additional information, or to schedule an appointment.