biofield tuning


biofield tuning

Biofield tuning is a non-invasive healing modality that uses tuning forks in the energy field (biofield) of the body to alleviate pain, stress, anxiety, depression and much more. It’s based on the premise that the human biofield holds the energetic memory of events/traumas in our life. This dissonance is laid down in the biofield and is connected to our physical body where it surfaces as stress, anxiety, physical pain, PTSD, disease and more. The tuning forks make this disturbance more coherent and are able to lessen or even alleviate these symptoms.

how does it work?

During a Biofield Tuning session, a client lies fully clothed on a treatment table while the practitioner activates a tuning fork and scans the body slowly beginning from a distance. The practitioner is feeling for resistance and turbulence in the client’s energy field, as well as listening for a change in the overtones and undertones of the tuning fork. When the practitioner encounters a turbulent area he/she continues to activate the tuning fork and hold it in that specific spot. Research suggests the body’s organizational energy uses the steady coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to “tune” itself. In short order, the dissonance resolves and the sense of resistance gives way. This appears to correspond to the release of tension within the body.

who may benefit?

The following conditions may be improved by Biofield Tuning:

  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Migraines
  • Digestion problems
  • Menstrual issues
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Addiction
  • PTSD
  • Adrenal burnout/stress
  • “Stuckness”
  • And more…

Please that Biofield Tuning is not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is Biofield Tuning a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. 


Robin Barnes has been practicing Biofield Tuning since 2016. Biofield Tuning sessions may be booked as remote or in-person sessions. Cost options are:

60 minute session: $175.00
Package of 3 – 60 minute sessions: $450.00


biofield tuning session